Feeling Lonely in Your Relationship?

Michaela Conley, LAMFT Couples Therapist, Relationship intimacy

Building Relationship Intimacy Have you ever found yourself feeling lonely in your relationship when your partner is sitting right next to you? Sadly, it’s not uncommon. Often I find myself talking with couples about their desires to build more intimacy into their relationships but what exactly is intimacy?.  It’s a deep connection between individuals, built […]

Insightful Connections with Insight Timer

meditation, a man and woman sitting on rocks by water

I love Insight Timer for its variety or offerings and community focus. For couples struggling with rebuilding intimacy it’s a wonderful opportunity to try something new, build a new shared experience. What is Insight Timer? It’s a popular meditation and mindfulness app that offers a wide range of benefits, making it a great tool for […]

Alexithymia: The Hidden Struggle with Emotions


What is Alexithymia? Alexithymia is a personality trait characterized by difficulties in identifying, expressing, and describing emotions. The term, derived from Greek roots meaning “no words for emotions,” describes individuals who struggle to articulate their feelings. Unlike a mental health disorder, alexithymia is considered a subclinical condition and may be associated with various psychological and […]